
Published poem…


Fireworks shot skyward, breaking and multiplying in descent
as my eyes were drawn to you, on the other side of the street.
it was how you walk, your spine motionless as you stride,
your cigarette glowed in the shadow cast by a streetlamp

The way you walk, distinctive, was known to me before
I knew you. A boring, quiet man I had thought, but then
you seduced me, you kissed me as I’d rarely known kissing,
you became the sun and moon, and your walk, sexy

Your love was generous and tender, your huge fingers
electrified me many times, tingled me, touching me in
soft secret sensuality, you are a constellation, stars, a galaxy
magical, your dark eyelashes when you slept, so blue your eyes

Pictures in my head, your face bending toward my breast,
you spoke my name as we lay together, in your need, craving
touch, your hunger overwhelmed me, gladly surrendering
how I still long to sleep beside you again, you’re so sexy

You pace the length of this road, I watch you, wondering
why I am not running downstairs to call your name out loud,
you were taken from me so suddenly, though you returned
but I am still at my window, watching, fearing that we are done