
Silence, Japanese Gardens, and Peacocks — Discover

“I might not like the city, but I’ve found out that at this early hour even London seems to be somewhere less crowded, less franchised, its spirit – whatever of it that hasn’t been sold off – more visible.” A traveler rediscovers home in the wee hours.

via Silence, Japanese Gardens, and Peacocks — Discover


15 Things To Remember When You Feel That The World Is Against You — Thought Catalog

Nishe –1. This too shall pass. Everything has an ending – including the bad times and the dark phases. Always remember that it’s really not your entire world that is sinking, it’s just a point in your life. 2. You have more control than you think. You can always find a way to get out of the…

via 15 Things To Remember When You Feel That The World Is Against You — Thought Catalog